Accessible Pedestrian Systems
Polara iDX/iNX Audible

Polara iDS/iNS APS Systems

Polara’s iDX/iNX Audible Information Devices are devices that provide auditory, visual, and vibrotactile information to pedestrians who are blind or who have low vision, who may also have hearing loss, so they can know when they should begin to cross at a non-signalized pedestrian crossing.

At some point, nearly everyone will face an injury or disability that limits their mobility. Although these devices are generally targeted toward people who are blind or who have low vision, the fact is they benefit everyone by facilitating safe and independent movement through pedestrian networks regardless of age, ability, race, or income. They are a key component of an accessible, inclusive transportation system.

Most non-signalized pedestrian crossing should be upgraded to include these devices in order to help ensure that they are safer and accessible to everyone. With Polara’s industry-leading technology, they can be.

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