Glance® Connected
Traffic Cabinet System

Glance® Connected Traffic Cabinet System

Wirelessly monitor, maintain and communicate with your Traffic Cabinets & Controllers using Applied Information’s Glance® Connected Traffic Cabinet System.

From a single signalized intersection up to a complex series of intersections, Glance allows you to wirelessly connect to your Traffic Cabinets & Controllers providing an unparalleled level of access at an extremely affordable price. Utilizing a seamless combination of hardware and software, this easy-to-install system allows you to see how your intersections are operating and when and where your cabinets are not.

The Glance® Connected Traffic Cabinet System includes options for Emergency Vehicle Preemption, Transit Signal Priority, Cabinet & Controller Monitoring with remote Communications, Glance Video and the smartphone TravelSafely™ app which helps connects road users with city infrastructure that assists in saving lives and improving traffic flow.

For more information about our Traffic Cabinets & Components: